The Author


Name: Robert Derek Noon

Born: 1956 Leicester England

Education: Crown Hills School, Charles Keene College, Leicester Polytechnic, Hatfield Polytechnic.

Career: Electrical Eng., Royal Navy, Snooker Club Owner x 2, Mobile Home Contractor.

Playing Experience

Played snooker in UK from age 15 to 40. Played in league matches local competitions and pro am events.

Moved to Florida 1997. Started playing 9 ball at Wally’s in Lakeland. Won several events on Florida tour 2004/5/6

Courtesy of

Robert Noon wins Fury Fast Break Stop
1112 – Fury Central Florida Amateur Tour 2005 Stop 3
From the loss side, Rodriguez chalks up first Sunshine State Pro Am Tour victory in three years

Industry Experience

Owned and operated “Barkers Snooker Club” in Nottingham UK.

-22 Full size snooker tables and 2 pool tables for 3 years.

Owned and operated “Swaffham Cue Club” in Norfolk.

-8 tables and 2 pool tables for 2 years.

Maintained tables and equipment at both locations.

Coached fundamental skills to individual players.