The Rolling Cue Ball – How it Can Improve Your Position Play.

the rolling cue ball

When playing pool, confidence comes from the knowledge that what you are about to do will work. This confidence will be reinforced by regular practice and experience at the table. To effectively practice and improve, the particular skill that you are working on needs to be repeatable and measurable. The natural rolling cue ball is

The Rolling Cue Ball – How it Can Improve Your Position Play. Read More »

What Size Room Do I Need For A Pool Table? – With Handy Chart.

I have always loved pool, there is something magical about striking that perfect shot and hearing that satisfying thump as your target ball clatters into the intended pocket. Unfortunately, it is a sound I don’t hear very often. Because, you see, despite being a lifelong enthusiast of the game, my skill level never quite catches

What Size Room Do I Need For A Pool Table? – With Handy Chart. Read More »

Pool Performance Goals and Expectations – Can Coaching Help You?

Setting goals

What is a Performance Goal? Goal-setting restructures your brain to make it more effective according to this study. ​This goal setting article simplifies that study as follows: 1. Goal-setting literally alters the structure of your brain so that you perceive and behave in ways that will cause you to achieve those goals; and​ 2. Challenging goals

Pool Performance Goals and Expectations – Can Coaching Help You? Read More »